Whether it’s in your kitchen or bathroom, tiles can significantly improve the aesthetics of your walls. However, after a while, it’s normal to get bored with the look of a tiled wall.
If you are looking to spice up the finish on your tiled walls, you may consider covering them with peel-and-stick or removable wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is available in a wide range of designs, prints, and colors.
Plus, it’s super easy to apply. All you have to do is peel off the backing protecting the adhesive and apply it over a wall.
Today, I will be answering whether it’s okay to apply peel-and-stick wallpaper over tile. I will also share the best method on how to do this and some of the risks involved.
Can You Put Peel and Stick Wallpaper Over the Tile?
It is possible to put removable wallpaper over tiles. But there are a few things you must first do to ensure the tile surface is conducive for removable wallpaper.
Removable wallpaper should be applied on a flat, smooth, and even surface like drywall. Tiles do not meet these criteria, therefore, if you apply peel-and-stick wallpaper directly over tiles, it will look odd and it probably won’t last long.
However, there is a way you can make tiles a suitable surface for you to cover with removable wallpaper.
How to Apply Peel and Stick Wallpaper Over Tile?
Step 1: Sand the Tiles
Most tiles have a glossy finish and such a surface isn’t ideal for adhering to wallpaper. This is why the first step before applying removable wallpaper is to sand the tiles.
This time, you shouldn’t use regular sandpaper because tiles are hard to cut through. An electric belt sander is best suited for this task. Using this tool, roughen up the surface of the tiles. But don’t go too deep.
Step 2: Clean the Sanded Tiles
Whenever you are dealing with wallpaper, the substrate has to be free of dirt, debris, and contaminants. Therefore, it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean the sanded tiles.
You can use an all-purpose cleaner because it’s more effective at getting rid of stubborn dirt. Don’t forget to thoroughly rinse the tiles. give them time to dry before proceeding to the next step.
Step 3: Apply Some Joint Compound
If you are wondering why you need a joint compound, its purpose is to flatten or level the sanded tiles. The joint compound will fill in the cracks on your tiles and the grooves. The flatter the surface, the better the wallpaper will look.
Step 4: Install a Lining Paper
The lining paper also does the same job as the joint compound. It flattens the surface of the tiles. Also, it gives the removable wallpaper something to hold onto thus guaranteeing long-lasting results.
Make sure that you attach this bridging material with a strong adhesive. After sticking the lining paper, apply a quality primer and let it dry before proceeding to the next step.
Step 5: Peel and Stick Your Wallpaper
After performing all the above steps, you can now peel and stick your wallpaper. It will look as if it has been applied on drywall and it will last for years.
Is It Advisable to Put Peel and Stick Wallpaper Over Bathroom Tile?
Because of the presence of moisture, bathrooms aren’t ideal places for removable wallpapers. However, there are a few exceptions.
For instance, if the tiled wall is a bit further from the shower, you can wallpaper over it. Also, in high moisture areas like bathrooms, you should use moisture-resistant wallpaper.
In case you want to cover the bathroom tile with removable wallpaper, make sure that you consider the above factors. That’s the only way you can be assured of the longevity of your removable wallpaper.
Do You Have to Remove Tiles Before Applying Peel and Stick Wallpaper?
If you ask an expert contractor, they will tell you that you must remove tiles before applying the removable wallpaper. However, the process of removing tile and grout is hectic and time-consuming.
As a homeowner who is engaging in such a DIY project, the method described above is much faster and more practical.
You don’t need to remove tiles before applying the removable wallpaper. As long as you sand the tiles and add a bridging material like lining paper, you should be good to go.
What are the Risks Involved in Applying Removable Wallpaper to Tile?
If you directly apply removable wallpaper over tile, there are a couple of things that can go wrong. Some of the risks involved include;
• The spacing between tiles can cause an indentation on the peel-and-stick wallpaper. That would make it look hideous.
• Adhesion between removable wallpaper and tiles will be weak. Therefore, it will easily come off after a few days, especially if there is moisture present.
• Depending on the print and color you settle for, sometimes the tile pattern can transfer to the removable wallpaper.
The good news is that if you follow the method I have shared above, you won’t have to worry about most of these risks.
Painting Over Tiles vs. Covering Them with Peel and Stick Wallpapers
If you are tired of seeing tiles on your walls, instead of covering them with wallpaper, you can paint the tiles. The latter method is less risky and it’s a popular DIY method of refreshing the look of a tiled wall.
Before covering your walls with removable wallpapers, take the time to compare this method with the painting alternative and evaluate which one is easier and will last longer. Don’t forget that with paint, touch-ups are way easier than repairing damaged wallpaper.
Should you decide to paint over tiles, instead of covering them with wallpaper, start by cleaning the tiles thoroughly. Make sure that you use a primer or bonding agent to facilitate adhesion.
The other option that I would also recommend is using tile stickers. These are tiny wallpapers that you can place over each tile to spice up their look.
You can get tile stickers on Amazon or your favorite hardware store. They are quite affordable and easy to install, unlike removable wallpapers.
Can You Put Removable Wallpaper Over Backsplash Tiles?
Of course, you can. All you have to do is follow the method shared above. But before you rush to cover your backsplash tile with wallpaper, there are a few things you need to know.
Backsplash tiles are usually located close to sinks and cookers. Wallpapers do not thrive in wet and hot areas. Considering that the wallpaper on your backsplash tiles will be consistently exposed to water and heat, it will not last long.
As tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t put removable wallpaper over backsplash tiles.
What Surfaces Can You Put Peel and Stick Wallpaper Over?
Peel and stick wallpapers weren’t designed to be used on tiles. This is why you have to go through a rigorous process before covering tiles with wallpaper. However, you can easily use them on walls, mirrors, frames, cabinets, and furniture.