Siding Over ZIP System (A Comprehensive Guide To Installing With Ease)

Ever since it was introduced in 2006, the ZIP system has made construction easier, smarter, and more efficient. This innovative wall and roof system eliminates the need for house wrap.

All you need to do is install the boards, tape the seams and you’re done. You’re probably aware of the many unique features of the ZIP system, so I won’t get much into that.

But today, I will be helping you figure out how to install siding over a ZIP system.

ZIP System

Can You Install Siding Over the ZIP System?

Yes, you can install siding over the ZIP system. If you look at this sheathing, you’ll notice that there is a wooden structural panel that acts as a suitable nail base for holding siding.

Please note that the ZIP system isn’t accommodative of siding that must be fastened into the studs or framing. Such sidings can affect the efficiency and performance of the ZIP system sheathing.

So, the bottom line is that siding can be installed over a ZIP system. However, there are several factors you need to keep in mind.

What Types of Siding Can You Use Over the ZIP System?

To kick things off, the ZIP system is compatible with a wide range of siding materials. Below, I’m going to list the most popular siding options you can use over the ZIP system;

1. Vinyl Siding – On more than 60% of ZIP systems, you’ll find vinyl siding because it looks great. It’s easy to maintain and vinyl siding is very affordable. Also, because vinyl is light, it doesn’t put much pressure on the ZIP sheathing.

2. Wood Siding – A lot of homeowners love using wood as siding because of its unique aesthetic appeal. Though compatible with the ZIP system, wood siding needs to be guarded against moisture damage.

3. Stucco – This traditional siding material will always remain popular because of its timeless and classic design. It too can also be used as a siding over the ZIP system. Please note that you’re going to need a metal lath to apply stucco over a ZIP system.

4. Fiber Cement Siding – Of late, many homeowners are gravitating towards fiber cement siding because of its durability and affordability. It’s also a suitable siding for ZIP systems.

These are just some of the most popular sidings you can use over the ZIP system. But there are many more such as stone and brick veneer.

One of the perks of a ZIP system is that it offers a stable surface for siding installation. That is why it’s very compatible with many siding materials.

How to Install Siding Over ZIP System?

Now that you know siding can be installed over a ZIP system, let’s go through the installation process.

The guide below will be general because different types of siding can be installed over a ZIP system and each has its unique installation process.

Step 1: Confirm that the ZIP system is installed correctly

Before installing siding, the first thing that you should do is confirm that the ZIP system is installed perfectly. The seams should be taped and no joint should be left open as that would lead to failure.

Step 2: Proceed to install flashing along the windows

For those of you who may not be aware, flashing is plastic or metallic materials that are installed inside walls to collect and direct water toward drainage points. Along windows and doors, flashing plays a crucial role in such a setup.

Step 3: Install siding according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Having done the above, it’s now time to install siding. In this step, you’ll need to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

For instance, if you’re installing stucco siding, you should start with installing a metal lath over the board. As for vinyl siding, you can begin by attaching furring strips to create a flat surface.

From there, you can proceed to fasten the siding over the ZIP system using screws or nails.

Vinyl siding

The Benefits of Siding Over ZIP System

Out of all ZIP sheathing coverings, what makes siding the best solution? Well, there are a couple of reasons you could think of;

• Siding adds beauty to your ZIP system. Even though the performance of the ZIP sheathing boards is impeccable, they look ugly. So, with siding, you can give your residential or commercial property a more aesthetically appealing finish.

• The ZIP system is compatible with a wide range of siding materials. So, that gives you a lot of flexibility in choosing which material is perfect for you.

• Siding improves the structural durability of the ZIP system. When combined, siding strengthens your walls.

• Some siding materials complement the energy efficiency of the ZIP system. So, you’ll enjoy better thermal and sound insulation.

• Siding also helps the ZIP system with air and moisture resistance. With siding installed over the ZIP system, you are guaranteed better protection against moisture and air.

ZIP System

Is It Okay for Siding Fasteners to Compress the ZIP System?

Remember when I said that the ZIP system doesn’t accommodate sidings that must be fastened to the framing or wall studs? Well, this is what I want you to avoid.

When a fastener is driven past the wooden panel on the ZIP system, it compresses and punctures the sheathing and this affects its structural integrity.

Inside a ZIP system, there is an air and water barrier. If it’s punctured, the boards will let water and air pass through, thus negating the purpose of using such a sheathing in the first place.

When installing siding over a ZIP system, please avoid compressing it. It’s crucial to consider the length of the fasteners.

They shouldn’t be too long to puncture the sheathing. And neither should they be too short and unable to hold the siding in place.

Allura fiber cement siding

What Challenges Can Arise When Siding Over ZIP System?

The process of siding over the ZIP system is usually straightforward. However, there are a few challenges that you may run into, such as;

• Over-compressing the ZIP system with fasteners – Doing so often affects the water and air resistance of the sheathing.

• Trapping moisture between the sheathing and siding – This is why it’s a good idea to use a moisture barrier between the ZIP system and siding.

Some sidings like stucco are porous. Therefore, when water passes through, it can get trapped and lead to issues such as mold growth.

• Forgetting to install flashing along the windows – Flashing also helps prevent water from getting trapped between the siding and the ZIP system.

• Incorrect installation of the ZIP system – If you forget to tape the seams of the ZIP system or you have made any mistakes during its installation, these problems can occur much later and affect the performance of your siding.

Cedar Siding

Do You Need to Hire a Contractor When Siding Over a ZIP System?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. First of all, the ZIP system is well-known for being easy to install. The same applies to some siding options such as vinyl.

Therefore, if you have some DIY experience, you can attempt to install siding over the ZIP system by yourself. However, if you have minimal experience in installing both sheathing and siding, I’d advise you to leave this to the professionals.

There are more perks associated with hiring a contractor to install siding over the ZIP system than doing it yourself. With a licensed contractor, you’re assured of a professionally done job that is free of errors and mistakes.

This approach also ensures compliance with building codes. It’s also advisable to work with an expert if your project is complex.

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