Drywall Seams Not Flush Problem (Explained)

On paper, installing drywall may seem easy. But for the average DIY builder, many errors can result in a significant waste of time and resources. One of the things that can quickly go wrong is when the drywall seams are not flush.

When installing drywall, we expect the seams to sit flush with bordering pieces. However, if there is an obstacle behind the drywall, there is a good chance that the seams will be uneven. This is what we are referring to when we say the drywall seams are not flush.

So, what should you do when you realize that your drywall seams are not flush? Here are some professional tips on how to deal with uneven drywall seams. But before we discuss that, let us list some common culprits that may cause this issue.

Drywall seams

What Causes Drywall Seams Not to Be Flush?

To deal with this issue of drywall seams not being even, we must identify the common reasons behind this problem.

1. Installing the Wrong Drywall Thickness Size

Drywalls are sold in varying thickness sizes. If you are only replacing drywall in a particular area in your home, you have to ensure the new drywall is of the same thickness and size as the existing drywall.

If you make the mistake of blindly buying drywall without a figure in mind, it will result in seams that are not flush.

This is a common mistake many newbies make when buying and installing drywall. In case you have bought thicker drywall, don’t panic. Later on, I will advise you on how to level the seams.

2. Uneven Wall Studs

Wall studs are the pieces of metal or wood that make up the framework of your wall. If these studs are uneven, there is a huge chance that the drywall seams will protrude on one side more than the other. This is also a common reason your drywall seams may not flush.

These two are the most common reasons. If you can avoid them, you will never have to deal with this issue for the rest of your life. Now that you know the culprits, let’s dive into the solutions.

How to Fix Drywall Seams That are Not Flush?

During drywall installation, have you realized that the seams are not sitting flush with neighboring pieces? Here are expert-proven techniques that can remedy this problem.

• Lay a Piece of Wood on the Drywall Seam and Hammer It In

Sometimes, drywall seams only need a little nudge to sit flush. If you were installing drywall on a wall that’s not cut into squares or rectangles, some of the drywall might have trouble assuming an even position. In such scenarios, you only need to hammer the drywall into place.

Because hitting drywall directly with a hammer can damage it. You need to look for a thick flat piece of wood, place it on the edge, and hammer the drywall seam till it aligns with the other pieces. This should fix your drywall issue immediately.

It’s essential to feel the resistance from the drywall seam. If it’s putting up a fight, use the remedy discussed next.

• Shim the Wall Studs

This solution mainly applies if you have diagnosed that the wall studs are uneven. And it’s what’s causing your drywall seams not to sit flush.

For this to work, you will need shims, nails, a level, and a hammer. The purpose of shimming the wall studs is to reconstruct the frame so that the drywall can be hung evenly.

First, you need to figure out how uneven the wall stud is. Hold the level in place and measure both vertically and horizontally. Take note of the areas on the wall studs where the leveler seems to be sticking out.

Nail the shims into the affected areas and cut any extras protruding too far out. Because they are extremely thin pieces of wood, you should use finish nails as they will be gentler. To cut the shims, you can use a utility knife.

Once the walls have been shimmed, you can re-install your drywall, and the seams will sit flush without any problems.

• Cover the Uneven Seams with Mud/Joint Compound

This remedy may seem like the easiest option to deal with drywall seams that are not flush, but it requires a high level of mudding knowledge and experience.

The idea behind using joint compound on uneven drywall seams is based on using mud to cover this flaw and create a leveled finish. That’s why I only recommend this method to experts.

To cover uneven drywall seams with joint compound, you need to first prepare the mud with a drill. Ensure you achieve the correct consistency.

Proceed to load some joint compound on a pan and then apply it to the uneven seams. Use a drywall knife to spread the mud and cut off any excess.

Let the first coat dry, and then sand it lightly before applying a second coat. You may also need to apply a third coat if you won’t have achieved a uniform finish on the uneven seams. Once content with the uniform finish, you can prime and paint.

These are the three most recommended methods of fixing drywall seams that are not flush. Let’s dig a little deeper into this issue and discuss some other things you need to know about drywall seams that are not flush.

Does the Level Size of the Drywall Seams Matter When Repairing This Problem?

It does and by a lot. If drywall seams are not flush, the preferred method of fixing it will depend on the level size difference. If the uneven seams are a few inches away from one another, you can cover them using a joint compound.

However, if you are dealing with a drywall seam that’s significantly uneven with the neighboring piece, your safest option is to start afresh.

By that, I mean taking apart the drywall and evening the studs or replacing it with an adequately sized drywall. That’s the only way to ensure the drywall hangs perfectly with the seams sitting flush.

Can I Use Mesh Tape on Drywall Seams that aren’t Flush?

Yes, the tape can help bond the two seams together. However, you will also need to add extra coats of mud to level the uneven surfaces between the drywall seams.

If you can get some paper or mesh tape, it can help reinforce the structure of the joint compound used to merge the drywall seams that are not flush.

Can Furring Strips Be Used to Level Drywall Seams that aren’t Flush?

Sometimes, the wall studs may be far from the drywall seams. Therefore, evening them with shims can be a challenge.

In such an instance, you can always rely on furring strips. These narrow strips of wood can help even the surface during a construction project.

Get some furring strips at a local hardware store and screw them into the wall studs. Ensure that you screw them perfectly so the drywall can sit at the correct level with the neighboring piece. Return your piece of drywall, and it should be even.

Is It a Must for Drywall Seams to Be Flush?

Drywall seams must be flush for you to hang and install drywall correctly. When the drywall seams are not flush, your wall will look uneven and hideous.

If you want a professional finish on your walls, ensure that the drywall seams are flush. And if they aren’t, you can always repair them using the methods mentioned above.

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